  • cat
    Mushrooms,  Treasures of Chinese Dietetics

    Chinese Medicine Treatment of Feline Leukaemia (FeLV)

    emointhekitchen I’m a cat lover and would like to share a recent experience with you. It is said that cats have 9 lives. However, my good friend owns a tomcat named Loop who, unfortunately, suffers from feline leukaemia (FeLV). Although he is quite young (approx.5 years old), the prognosis is poor. Cat leukaemia infection (FeLV) is a virus that spreads among felines and has possibly deadly impacts. FeLV is transmitted between cats by close contact, via saliva and by sharing water or food. In the initial stage, the disease can only be diagnosed by blood tests. As it progresses, it may lead to neurologic disorders, kidney failure, arthritis and even…